Category Archives: Polygon Facts & Rumors


The second round of VICEWRLD staking pools will go live tomorrow, Tuesday 8th February 2022 at 17.00hrs UTC for a period of 60 days through our partner SafeSwap! There will be available 2 pools:1) stake VICE –> earn VICE + GOLD NFT2) stake VICE –> earn SWAP. The VICEWRLD VIP GOLD NFT airdrop will be[Read more…]

Sandman Finance Launch Of NFT Merge In The Seventh Layer Death

We’ve always kept you informed about the newest developments in the crypto industry. Now BSCN news will help you learn more about Sandman Finance seventh layer, Death, and provide the most up-to-date information available for this layer. Sandman Finance is a new DeFi platform that has been working to give users a staking ground over[Read more…]

Sandman Finance Endless NFT’s Cards

The Sandman Finance team is happy to provide The Endless NFTs Cards as part of the community’s adventure across the sandman world. The Sandman Finance Gambling Engine will be NFT’s Cards. The Chain-link Randomness engine will produce each skill at random. Simply keeping the NFT card in your wallet will provide you with benefits across all tiers. Sandman Finance’s[Read more…]

Sandman Finance Layer Seventh Death Token

The wait is ended, and with the Presale and farming of the seventh layer, Death, the Sandman Finance comic odyssey comes to a close! If you’re looking for a safe and stable yield farm in the Polygon Network with high APYs and a dedicated Dream Guardian Team devoted to development, you’ve come to the correct spot.[Read more…]

Sandman Finance Layer Seven Introduces Death Kingdom

Sandman Layers are a new feature that allows you to increase the value of your Sandman Token by following the comic dream journey. All levels will have access to the maximum supply. Sandman Finance has launched a new and last tier, Death, based on the success of earlier layers. The Death Kingdom is the most[Read more…]

Sandman Finance Seventh Layer Latest Features

The seventh layer, Death, the Sandman Finance comic voyage, comes to a close! If you’re looking for a secure and stable yield farm in the Polygon Network with high APYs and a dedicated Dream Guardian Team dedicated to the development, you’ve come to the correct spot. Sandman Farm is a great place to put your[Read more…]

NEW Strategy in Snapshot

In Sandman Finance, NFTs are the backbone of the platform ownership and therefore the decision process. And the way to participate in this DAO. Our NFTs are composed by various skills, as shown here. One of the skill is “Experience”, that starts at 0. And get increased as each community member uses this card. This New[Read more…]