The wait is ended, and with the Presale and farming of the seventh layer, Death, the Sandman Finance comic odyssey comes to a close! If you’re looking for a safe and stable yield farm in the Polygon Network with high APYs and a dedicated Dream Guardian Team devoted to development, you’ve come to the correct spot. Sandman Farm is a great place to put your money.
Even though the area is still new, DeFi initiatives will deliver a lot. Sandman Finance has a long history of success in this area, having learnt about safety from a variety of sources throughout the years. With the previous six levels, they had a lot of success. This seventh layer of Death is about to enter the fight, ready to wreak havoc on farms using tokens.
Details Regarding Death Token
Death Token is the fifth tier farming token in this strategy. The third of seven tokens, one for each volume tier, is the death token.
• Farming Death will provide you with prizes.
• Place a bet on Death on Vaults to win USDC and other prizes.
• Wait until Layer 7 dies to earn extra rewards.
On Sunday, January 30th, 2022, at 15:00 UTC, death token farming began.
Max Supply Distribution
• Partnerships 5%
• Pre-sale 0.5 percent
• Liquidity 0.03 percent
• Agriculture (84.47 percent)
• Treasure (ten percent
For creators, 0 tokens have been produced.Infrastructure tokens in the amount of 0 tokens have been produced.
All tokens will be burned according to policy after the conclusion of Farming, rather than being used for partnerships.

Death Token Details
Name of the token is Death. Ticker is $DEATH. Contract Address for death token is TBA.Maximum Supply of the death token is 500,000 at an Emission Rate of 0.246006944444444000 per second. The Token Launch was on January Thursday 27th – 15:00 UTC (Approx.) and the Estimated Farming Duration 20 days approx. from the date the farming of the token starts.DEX is QuicksSwap.In the Initial Listing the Price accounted is $30 per Death token.